Lovin’ It

High Energy 3 Piece Vocal Harmony Pop Show!
Lovin It are a long established high end trio and remain one of the most exciting and sought after acts on the circuit today with a show that is constantly evolving and regularly refreshed. They provide full on performances that just ooze quality and, as they have done consistently for many years, they continue to take entertainment to new heights.
Their stunning show consists mostly of No 1 hit records and includes songs that only ‘Lovin It’ would even dare to tackle. Along with many of the very latest blockbuster chart hits they also perform songs from the 80’s and 90’s plus the odd epic ballad when the occasion calls for them.
Please do not think cabaret. This is more like being at a mini concert! Lovin It’s spectacular light show is fully and creatively programmed for each song in their show and the sound quality is second to none owing to their theatre grade PA system. Audiences are treated to an audio visual experience that remains unmatched within the industry.
We recall how, after only a few months on the road, Lovin It accepted with great pride the national “Best Club Act of the Year” award from Club Mirror Magazine; a remarkable achievement in such a short space of time. So if you want the very best for a night of great entertainment featuring the biggest in Dance, Pop and R&B songs ever written, then you can do no better than to party hard with LOVIN IT!
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